Monday Morning Quarterbackin’ 10/7/24
Fall in NY never disappoints, some highlights... Coupla weeks ago I was waiting for SPone outside ACA Gallery and Serf walked by coming from just seeing the Doug Wheeler installation at Zwirner on 20th. He said it was mind blowing and that I had to go. Walking down I saw a long line and realized at the hour it was I probably wouldn’t make it but could always go another time. Finally, one Tuesday mid afternoon I go first to 19th St. location and see Overture by Stan Douglas it’s old found ‘phantom’ footage of a locomotive in the rockies with excerpts read from Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust layered in. Walking over to 20th st. location I spot a fresh Riff170 tag and then randomly the gallery is closed for a private event, Reese Witherspoon sheepishly looking at me while going in to her Escalade. A coupla days later while helping out a friend I had to take ferry and then bike to a storage facility in Jersey City and while not following google maps I chanced upon pieces by Wane, Zephyr, Duster and Disto. Later that night I caught the tail end of the Slippery Slope Monster series by Kevin Lyons at Fridge Gallery opening. The next afternoon I finally got to experience the Day Night Day installation by Doug Wheeler. Waiting a half hour and then putting on paper slip-ons over my sneakers I walked in with three others. It was all bright white and seemingly two of the walls foggy/misty. That is all I will say at least until it closes on the 19th. Also on second floor was Ad Reinhardt: Print—Painting—Maquette but I didn’t take photos. The next day I spotted this EKG in the East Village later that evening he had his show at Skewville.
Schematic for Wheeler installation
10/5 6-10pm
237 Starr St. BK
Opening Party September 27 6-9pm
122 Orchard St
Opening was last night but some dope work available.